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How To Become A Successful WordPress Blogger (Part II)

Follow these easy tips and avoid bounce rates while establishing a successful WordPress blog in 2021  If you’ve clicked on this article then you’re interested in learning about how to become a successful WordPress blogger. WordPress has about 60 million blogs with over 409 million people viewing more than 20 billion pages each month, so taking an interest in the Blog Beast makes sense. (And don’t let the statistics intimidate you… it just means you’re not in this alone.)  In this final half of this two-part blog, we’ll be discussing the remaining additional tips for successful WordPress blogging: Developing multimedia

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The Secrets To Successful WordPress Bloggers

6 easy tips to become a successful WordPress blogger (part I)

Anyone can run a blog, but what about a successful blog? Avoid bounce rates and create a successful WordPress blog in 2021 (and maintain it) with these easy tips! We’ve all followed at least one WordPress blog where we felt the blogger was an expert at what they did. Maybe their niche was right up our alley. Or maybe we simply liked how easy their content was to digest.  Regardless of the reason, we can’t deny that behind every successful WordPress blogger is an even more successful technique. The truth is that anyone can run a blog. But being able to

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How WordPress Has Changed

How WordPress Has Changed Over The Past 10 Years

Overview: From the abandoned b2/Cafelog software to the world’s largest blogging platform, we’re celebrating a recent anniversary by taking a look at the evolution of WordPress! We can’t talk about the history of websites and blogging without taking into consideration the history of WordPress — blogging, websites, and WordPress are almost synonymous at this point in time. Yes, the popular website builder powers more than 41 percent of all websites on the internet. Yes, that’s commendable. But what more is there to WordPress than it’s popularity? The first version of WordPress Automattic and WordPress’s trademarking Let’s take a look at

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2021 WordPress website launch checklist

2021 pre-launch WordPress checklist: 21 dos and don’ts (part II)

Overview: Media; grammar (it’s “you’re,” not “your”); security — before you launch your WordPress site this year, be sure to do these things for a successful post-launch. Previously, we listed out 9 things you should pay attention to before launching a WordPress website… and the list goes on. We said it before and we’ll say it again: We could argue that your 2021 WordPress website launch checklist is more important than the launch itself. It’s kind of like composing a song versus releasing a song. The release is important, but the release wouldn’t be successful if things weren’t addressed on

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2021 WordPress website launch checklist

2021 pre-launch WordPress checklist: 21 dos and don’ts (part I)

Overview: “Dummy” text; lorem ipsum; meta goodies — be sure to address these things before you launch your WordPress site this year. Arguably, your 2021 WordPress website launch checklist is more important than the launch itself. And for this reason, it could also be overwhelming. Why? Well, WordPress can look pretty intimidating at first glance simply because there are so many different customization options. From posts to pages and themes to menus, it can be overwhelming. However, part I of this list of 21 things to do before launching your WordPress website should already start to alleviate some of that

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How to add a category to WordPress page: WordPress Categories 101

Summary: Learn how to add a category, display pages with a category, customize your WP category page, and other related information. If you’re interested in learning how to add a category to your WordPress page, you’ve come to the right place. This article will address the following three WordPress category how-tos to simplify your WordPress life: Adding a category and subcategories Displaying pages with a category Customizing a category If you’re not using Categories with your WordPress sites, you should be. Category is one of the default taxonomies in WordPress (one of those things that everyone uses, but isn’t aware

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