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How to Install a Plugin: A Step-by-Step Guide

Overview: Plugins enhance your website’s functionality, and WordPress is full of plugins to choose from. If you’re interested in adding some plugins, you’ll be glad to know that the process of installing a plugin doesn’t require difficult coding.  So what do you actually need to do?  Keep reading to find out! When you first dive into the world of WordPress options and features, one of the first things you’ll discover is the abundance of plugins that are available to add to your website. With over 55,000 plugins available to download, it’s a sure thing that there’s one out there that will make

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WordPress Pages vs. Posts: What’s the Difference?

Overview: When you’re creating your WordPress website, you have the option of creating new posts or new pages. But what’s the difference, and in what situations should you use each one? Read on to get the scoop! As you work on your WordPress website, you’ll probably find yourself wondering about the purpose of pages and posts, and the difference between the two — especially if you’re a WordPress newbie. In WordPress, there are two quick ways to add content to your website or blog: You can write a post, or you can create a page. While the two may look similar to

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How to Make A Mobile-Friendly Website

Overview: A mobile-friendly website boosts your traffic. Here are some ideas to ensure that your site passes the phone test!  Smartphones quickly went from an expensive and newfangled technology to an integral part of our everyday lives. Today, we find it strange if somebody leaves their house without their phone. From hospital rooms to grocery stores and restaurants, people staring at their phones is a normal sight. For website owners, it’s high time to bid adieu to creating a website in the old-fashioned way and come up with a good mobile-friendly user experience. In the second quarter of 2022, mobile

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The Effects of Voice Search Optimization on SEO – Tips & Tricks

Overview: Discover how voice search affects the SEO of websites and how they might be making a difference in your site’s traffic.    If you use Siri on your phone, or digital assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Home, you’ve probably experienced voice search. It’s so convenient to get information from a device by verbally asking a question instead of typing out your query. When you conduct a voice search, the device usually provides a direct answer or cites information found on a website. There are a lot of these devices in use now, so they’ve inevitably become entwined with the

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How to Create a User-Friendly Restaurant Website

Overview: Your website is the front door to your business. Make sure it’s warm and welcoming! The internet is our go-to place when we’re searching for food to eat. From ordering food online to shopping and making a reservation, the internet comes as a blessing to do everything right from your pajamas! That makes it important for the restaurants to have an online presence to make a good impression. Since the guest/visitor experience starts with the first click, and you only get 50 milliseconds, let’s make sure that we’re making the most of it.  A restaurant’s website portrays how a restaurant is

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The Best WordPress Page Duplication Plugins for E-commerce

Overview:  Discover the best WordPress page duplicate plugins for your e-commerce website and make your life easier! Do you own an e-commerce WordPress website? If so, you might be familiar with the term plugins. A plugin is optional software which adds different features or expands the functionality of existing software on websites. Plugins add to the flexibility of websites, and there are tons of plugins available for websites built on WordPress. They not only help website owners and developers create a website exactly the way they want it, but also serve several purposes for website visitors. Isn’t it interesting that such

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