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Alignable: How This Online Networking Platform Can Help Your Small Business

Overview: Maybe you’ve never heard of Alignable. Or maybe you’ve heard of it, but you’ve never checked it out. If you’re a business owner, Alignable can open up new opportunities for business connections and customer referrals. Read on to learn more! It can be quite overwhelming for business owners to find their way in the digital realm. It’s a crowded virtual world, and it can be frustrating trying to get your name out there and to feel like you’re being heard. In this blog post, we’d like to tell you about an online business networking platform we discovered a while

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Back to School, Back to Work: A Fresh Start for Business Owners

Back to School, Back to Work: A Fresh Start for Business Owners

Overview: Students are going back to school, continuing their education while simultaneously starting fresh. We think business owners should do the same thing, observing a “back-to-work season!” What do we mean by this? Read on to find out! Swimming pools are closed and stores are having big sales on number 2 pencils, which can only mean one thing: It’s back to school season! But while kids everywhere are eagerly anticipating — or lamenting — the start of a new school year, there are plenty of reasons for grown-up business owners to be optimistic about the new phase of the year

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Summer 2023 Wrap-Up: Hot Days, Hot Tech News

Overview: It’s just about time to leave summer 2023 behind. But before we do, we’re taking a look at some of the most notable developments in tech news. As we prepare to bid farewell to August, we can’t help but think: This summer went by in the blink of an eye (an eye decked out with fashionable sunglasses, of course)! And yet, when we think back on the summer of 2023, it occurs to us that there were a ton of notable developments in technology — not to mention marketing. Technology  It seems like technology is always advancing at a

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How Can Technology Assist You on Your Wellness Journey?

Overview: National Wellness Month continues! And today, we’re thinking about how the technology that surrounds us in our daily lives influences our pursuit of wellness. Read on to learn what we’ve discovered! According to the calendar, it’s still August, which means it’s still National Wellness Month! In a previous blog post, we took a good look at wellness, including what it means and how business owners can achieve it. Today, we’d like to focus on a specific angle: How can technology affect your wellness journey? If you’re a business owner today, it’s a sure thing that you’re completely surrounded by

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Protect Your Website From Hackers

The Machines Are Getting Sneaky: How To Protect Your Website From Hackers Armed with AI

Overview: Is AI a danger to your website? Learn how to protect your website from hackers! Artificial intelligence is a hot topic, and it’s clear that the conversations and debates surrounding it will continue for the foreseeable future, with no end in sight. Unfortunately, history shows us that every time there’s a major new development in technology, people with bad intentions will quickly look for ways to exploit it to take advantage of other people. It happened with telephones, it happened with the internet… and now it’s happening with AI. You may be wondering what this means for you as

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Wellness: For Business Owners, It’s More Than a Buzzword

Overview: It’s National Wellness Month! But what is wellness? Why is it important? And how does it affect business owners? Read on to drink from the well of wellness knowledge! Did you know August is National Wellness Month? Of course, every month on the calendar has been declared “National Something Month” by somebody. For example, January is National Soup Month! But when we learned that August is National Wellness Month, we realized it was a great opportunity to dive into the subject of wellness. You may have heard the word “wellness” tossed around without thinking much of it. It could

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