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Does My Website Really Have to be ADA Compliant?

Overview: To ensure your website is ADA-compliant, all you need is our comprehensive guide on accessibility in web design. Learn essential best practices, key metrics, and actionable tips to make your site user-friendly for all, boosting your reach, and avoiding legal pitfalls.  Read more! According to the World Health Organization in 2023, approximately 1.3 billion …

WordPress GDPR: Understanding How to Comply With the Data Protection Law

Overview: Learn how to make your WordPress site GDPR-compliant to avoid fines and build trust with your users. Follow our best practices to create a secure, transparent, and user-friendly website. Read on to learn more!   Phishing attacks deceive users into revealing sensitive information through fraudulent emails, malicious websites, or deceptive pop-up messages. Data leakage …

Get WordPress, Get Noticed: Using WordPress to Express Your Creativity and Stand Out in an Oversaturated Market

Overview: As a business owner, you’re full of creative ideas and ready to build or upgrade your company website. But is WordPress really better than the other platforms? And how can you use your creativity to attract customers? Read on to find out! A good website is essential to building and sustaining any growing business. …

Is It Still Worth It to Keep a Blog on Your Business Website?

Overview: Are blogs still important in today’s social media-heavy digital landscape? We think so. From establishing your expertise and improving SEO to building relationships with your audience, blogging remains a powerful tool for businesses and individuals. Read on to learn more! Blogging has been around for over two decades and has undergone significant transformations since …

The Best Websites Powered by WordPress

Overview: If you’re looking for inspiration, you can find it in some of the most effective and beautifully designed WordPress websites. WordPress is used by some of the most popular brands, influencers, and bloggers around the globe.  Here are some of our favorite examples! WordPress is one of the most user-friendly content management systems (or …

WordPress Theme Recommendations — Free & Premium

Overview: There are so many WordPress themes to choose from, and it can be overwhelming trying to select the one that’s just right for your website or blog. To help you narrow it down, we’ve hand-picked this list of the top WordPress themes, both premium and free. Read on to learn more about them all! …

How to Embed a Video on a WordPress Site or Blog

Overview: By including videos from YouTube or similar sites on your WordPress website or blog, you can add a story-telling element that intrigues and engages your audience and keeps their eyes on your site. Here’s all you need to know about how and why behind embedding videos!  Much like pictures, videos are a fantastic tool …

WordPress Pages vs. Posts: What’s the Difference?

Overview: When you’re creating your WordPress website, you have the option of creating new posts or new pages. But what’s the difference, and in what situations should you use each one? Read on to get the scoop! As you work on your WordPress website, you’ll probably find yourself wondering about the purpose of pages and posts, …

How to Make A Mobile-Friendly Website

Overview: A mobile-friendly website boosts your traffic. Here are some ideas to ensure that your site passes the phone test!  Smartphones quickly went from an expensive and newfangled technology to an integral part of our everyday lives. Today, we find it strange if somebody leaves their house without their phone. From hospital rooms to grocery …

The Effects of Voice Search Optimization on SEO – Tips & Tricks

Overview: Discover how voice search affects the SEO of websites and how they might be making a difference in your site’s traffic.    If you use Siri on your phone, or digital assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Home, you’ve probably experienced voice search. It’s so convenient to get information from a device by verbally asking …