Understanding encrypted traffic (the invisible website killer)

Inspecting encrypted traffic to avoid malicious users or programs from harming your website Traffic encryption, known officially as hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS), is a method of securing the transmission of information to and from a website. It could also be the #1 killer of your website. We’re all about solving website problems and addressing …

How WordPress Has Changed Over The Past 10 Years

Overview: From the abandoned b2/Cafelog software to the world’s largest blogging platform, we’re celebrating a recent anniversary by taking a look at the evolution of WordPress! We can’t talk about the history of websites and blogging without taking into consideration the history of WordPress — blogging, websites, and WordPress are almost synonymous at this point …

2021 pre-launch WordPress checklist: 21 dos and don’ts (part II)

Overview: Media; grammar (it’s “you’re,” not “your”); security — before you launch your WordPress site this year, be sure to do these things for a successful post-launch. Previously, we listed out 9 things you should pay attention to before launching a WordPress website… and the list goes on. We said it before and we’ll say …

2021 pre-launch WordPress checklist: 21 dos and don’ts (part I)

Overview: “Dummy” text; lorem ipsum; meta goodies — be sure to address these things before you launch your WordPress site this year. Arguably, your 2021 WordPress website launch checklist is more important than the launch itself. And for this reason, it could also be overwhelming. Why? Well, WordPress can look pretty intimidating at first glance …

How to add a category to WordPress page: WordPress Categories 101

Summary: Learn how to add a category, display pages with a category, customize your WP category page, and other related information. If you’re interested in learning how to add a category to your WordPress page, you’ve come to the right place. This article will address the following three WordPress category how-tos to simplify your WordPress …

How To Disable WordPress Fullscreen Editor Mode

Summary: Learn how to disable Fullscreen Editor Mode on WordPress with a plugin! Do you want to disable the fullscreen editor in WordPress? After the update, WordPress 5.4 introduced Fullscreen Mode as default for the Gutenberg editor. This feature now opens the post and page editor in fullscreen mode by default. While this distraction-free mode …

Using WordPress: Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS for a more secure site

Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS has historically been viewed as tedious, but it looks like it just got a bit easier with a potential one-click interaction  WordPress just made the switch from HTTP to HTTPS less windy for site users everywhere. Why even migrate in the first place? Well, for one, site security. Besides understanding …

My WordPress Site Is Slow, How Do I Speed It Up?

Time is money, so knowing how to speed up a slow website is important. The latter affects your search engine ranking and user experience. In fact, studies show that if websites don’t load within 2- to 3-seconds, there is a significant amount of users who will leave the website before it’s fully loaded, resulting in …

How to fix common WordPress problems at home

If you’re experiencing common WordPress errors and problems, you might be able to fix them from the comfort of your own home. The reality is that WordPress does have quite a number of common errors and problems. They can be difficult and tricky to fix on your own, but they are fixable (with some technical …

How To Add A Google Search Console And Install Google Analytics Into WordPress

If you are looking for how to add Google Analytics into WordPress as well as adding a search console to your website, this article will cover that very topic. Formally called “Google Webmaster Tools,” Google Analytics is ground-level basic website tracking that can be installed into WordPress websites. The importance of having Google Analytics installed …