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Tips from Pro WordPress Developers

Tips from Pro WordPress Developers (20+ Years in the WordPress Industry)

With the emergence of the internet and technology in our lives, the world seems smaller with so much information available at our fingertips. We can’t deny how the internet transforms everything – from receiving and sharing information to how we communicate and promote our businesses

Overview: Learn some of the best secrets of the WordPress world from pro web developers 

With the emergence of the internet and technology in our lives, the world seems smaller with so much information available at our fingertips.  We can’t deny how the internet transforms everything – from receiving and sharing information to how we communicate and promote our businesses.

In the modernly digitized world, the best way to boost your sales is to promote your business online – through advertisements leading directly towards your website link.

Even if you’re not interested in tech, there are highly professional tech pros who constantly offer their premium quality services at very affordable rates. We’re proud to have provided value to 50,000+ websites, sorting their issues and skyrocketing their sales.

With that said, let’s review the tips from Pro WordPress Developers with 20+ years of experience in the WordPress industry to sort your issues!

  1. How to Create a WordPress Website:  

Although creating a website may sound like a surmounting task – it’s very simple, and the only thing you need to do is to pay attention to all the steps you’re making. Let’s go through the steps – nothing fancy or technical… Just a bit of focus is all that’s necessary.

  • Select a WordPress Plan.

  • Setup the domain name (preferably the business/service you sell) and hosting provider.

  • Install WordPress now.

  • Choose a theme – make sure that you’re choosing the color aligned with your service/product and is appealing at the same time too.

  • Start adding the content to the website – the written descriptions with attractive visuals – as we always say… images have the ability to stay in your mind longer than the words.

  • Install WordPress plugins.

  • Customize your website and keep an eye on every update you make.

  • Optimize your website page speed (with users searching primarily from their phones, make sure that your graphics load quickly on phones and desktops alike – alongside the page loading time)

  1.  How To Install A WordPress Plugin:  

Plugins indeed are the best investments when we’re forming a website – and if you’re a noob, stumble upon how to install a plugin – or which one to install, worry no more and reap the benefits!

  • Open your WordPress dashboard.

  • Go to Plugins in your dashboard.

  • Click on “Add New.”

  • Once you click the Add New, you’ll find a handy search bar. Add your keyword there, and the plugin will pop in.

  • Install your plugin and activate it.

Want a quick recommendation from tech pros about free plugins? SeedProd and All in One SEO.

If you’re willing to invest some extra bucks to the website to give it a premium touch, here’s how you’ll install it.

  • Get the plugin archive (when you purchase a plugin, you’ll get a zip file – as a zip archive)

  • Go to Plugins in your WordPress dashboard.

  • You’ll find an Upload Plugin option – specifically for premium plugins.

  • Install and activate the plugin.

  • It will take a while, but soon you’ll see the Plugin Activated sign – Tada, you’re good to go!

  1. How Do I Improve SEO In WordPress?  

We all want as many eyes as possible on our website – no matter whatever the goal is. From educating readers to entertaining or promoting your work to selling your products, Search Engine Optimization improves the click rate and helps rank your website. It sounds very technical, but we’re here to share our top-secret-premium-tips to enhance SEO in WordPress.

  • Choose a quality hosting provider.

  • Pick a theme precisely optimized for SEO.

  • Create a detailed Site map – a list of all the pages and content on your website – in a hierarchy.

  • Use SEO headings – learn the techniques of Heading 1,2,3, and 4 in-depth.

  • Build your content around keywords – keywords are the beginning and end of SEO.

  • Incorporate external and internal links generously – link sources you’re taking inspiration/ideas from.

  • Optimize your images.

  • Write long-form content – whatever service you’re providing, start writing blogs under that niche, or hire a team of professionals to help you grow among your peers.    

  • Stay updated with the topics and trends – the more people search the trends, the more your chances are to grow.

  • Provide quality content.

  1. My WordPress Site Is Slow; how Do I Speed It Up?  

Let’s guess – as an avid internet user, we all want the website to load faster, and if it doesn’t go as we expect it to, we go back to find another website with better SEO. When your user turns around, it alerts the Google algorithm, and even a full-fledged website starts de-ranking. Here’s how you can speed up the WordPress site process.

  • Run performance test – while there are no all-encompassing metrics to sum this up; however, you can get the best tangible result; consider using Website Grader.

  • Choose a reliable hosting provider to meet your bandwidth and performance requirements.

  • Keep your website updated – after taking backups.

  • Use the latest version of PHP.

  • Delete all the unused plugins and install high-quality plugins only.

  • Use a lightweight theme with striking colors.

  • Optimize images.  

  • Reduce CSS and Javascript file sizes.

  • Simplify your page design and content.

  • Tidy up your WordPress database – and limit post revisions.

  • Turn off your ping backs and track backs – for marketing efforts and valuable content.

  1. Understanding Encrypted Traffic (The Invisible Website Killer):  

Inspecting encrypted files is very important to avoid malicious programs or vile hackers peeping through and harming your website. Don’t deem it something minute – it can literally be the #1 killer of your website. To keep your website on the safe side and careful with users’ information, read more to learn.

  • Use SSL/TXL proxy servers.

  • Use strong passwords – don’t rely on 123456 anymore.

  • Go for Two-Factor-Authorization.

  • Use Google Drive or Dropbox as your file sharing service as they’re more secure and safe than the others.

  • Set up automatic backups.

  • Choose a capable hosting service.

  • Keep your website and plugins up-to-date.

  • Update your password often.

Do yourself a favor, and don’t wait for phishing attacks. For a better understanding of this invisible website killer, consider reading this article.

  1. 5 Simple Ways to Create Anchor Text Links in WordPress:  

Simply put, Anchor links are a jump menu or table of contents that instantly take the user to the specific page without wasting their extra time. While it may sound tiring to create Anchor links manually, we’ll make it a piece of cake for you if you’re hopping on with us by following these simple steps.

  • On WordPress, use the Plus icon to add a new block.

  • Select Heading as the block type and start typing to the heading block.

  • Write the text, add the attribute ID to the reader – provide a link.

  • Write the related text and click right to insert the link button – use # as a prefix and enter keywords for the sections you want your user to jump to.

  • Scroll down to the section and select the heading block – click on the Advanced tab to expand it – add the exact text under the HTML Anchor field. Here, you’ll add the text without the # prefix.

Related Article: 5 simple ways to create anchor text links

3 Ways to Add Google Analytics to WordPress for Website Tracking:  

Tired of manually searching for the viewers/traffic of your website? Google Analytics is the simplest, easiest, and safest way to access it. You can do it either with a plugin or manually, depending on how you want to do it

  • WordPress Plugin – install Google Analytics WordPress plugin to save yourself from edits.

  • Install and activate the Site Kit by Google Plugin – connect your WordPress site to your Analytics Account.

  • GA Google Analytics – click on admin in your sidebar – select tracking info – it’ll be on top of the section in a short while. On the WordPress dashboard, navigate the Plugin Settings and add your tracking code. 

Related Article: 3 Ways to Add Google Analytics to WordPress for Website Tracking

How to Start a Web Development Career in 2022 (and be Successful) 

Since technology plays a vital role in our daily life, it’s becoming vital for us to go with the flow. While people who aren’t in the web development field will find it inaccessible, complicated, or confusing, things aren’t that tangled.

  • Learn web development fundamentals.

  • Choose a development specialization – front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer – your choice.

  • Learn critical programming languages.

  • Practice on projects to enhance your web development services.

  • Build a web development portfolio – to show to your clients.

 In Summary:   

As promised, we’ve delivered the best possible knowledge as a piece of cake. While you’re pondering the idea that you should do things on your own or not, don’t risk your data. Instead, hire a professional to get it done for you.

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