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Is WordPress the Best Content Management Platform?

Overview: You’ve heard a lot about WordPress, but does it live up to the hype? There are many other Content Management Systems, aka CMS, available. So what makes WordPress out amongst its peers? Read on to find out!

Close your eyes and imagine for a second — you have a great business idea, and you want to share it online with a wide audience worldwide. Whether you’re sharing a magical product, a heroic service, or your everyday wisdom and observations, a website is what you need to get the word out to the world.

But where do you start? How do you make your dream an online reality? Well, for one thing, you’re going to need a CMS . And there isn’t much doubt about who leads the pack in the field of CMS. With the WordPress platform, you can create a website and share your content with the world with relative ease.

So why is WordPress the perfect CMS? And wait a minute — what’s CMS? In this blog, we’ll explain the power of WordPress as we compare it to its closest market competitors, and let’s find what makes it stand out as the ideal solution for building a website painlessly!

Let’s start with the basics!

What Is a CMS?

A Content management system, often abbreviated as CMS, is precisely what the name suggests — it’s computer software that helps you create, manage, and publish content over the internet. Simply put, a content management system is a tool or platform that enables you to build a website without needing to write code from scratch — or even know how to code.

So instead of struggling to build your online presence by deciphering a stack of technical gobbledygook — teaching yourself how to create web pages, store images, and much more, all from scratch — the content management system ensures that you don’t have to start from square one. It handles the infrastructure for you — leaving you to be more focused on the audience-facing parts of your website, store, blog, or service!

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

How Does a Content Management System Work?

To give you an idea about how a content management system works, there’s no better example than WordPress.

Let’s start with a basic goal: creating a piece of content. Did you know that without a content management system, you’d have to write a static HTML file and upload it to your server? That’s what everyone had to do in the old days of the internet!

But with WordPress, it’s remarkably easy. Let’s say you want to create a new blog post. All you have to do is log into your WordPress account, then click on “Posts” and “Add New.” Then start typing your post, adding in images, video, or other special content as you go. It’s not unlike using Microsoft Word to write a document.

When you’re finished writing, you just click the “Publish” button — or schedule the post to publish at a later date.

And that’s it!

With just a few more clicks, you can also create pages for your website, or upload files that you might want to share.

Simple, right?

>>> Related Reading: What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

WordPress and the CMS Market:

The immense versatility and ease of use of WordPress has taken it to the top of the CMS market. Holding more than a 65% share — adding up to 455+ million websites — WordPress firmly dominates the field, without a doubt.

This level of CMS domination is astonishing. And WordPress isn’t going away any time soon!

Here are some recent WordPress statistics from ColorLib.com to give you an idea of its popularity, its usefulness, and its flexibility:

  • WordPress is getting nearly 3 million web searches every month.

  • Over 70 million posts and 77 million comments appear monthly on the WordPress website.

  • 810 million websites use WordPress.

  • There are 60,000+ plugins and 10,000 free themes in the official WordPress directory alone.

WordPress is obviously doing something right to have achieved such ubiquity. These are just a few reasons to choose WordPress as your next site-building solution — and we haven’t talked about the excellent features yet!

How WordPress Addresses the Needs of All Enterprises:

WordPress was launched in 2003 as a blogging platform, and went on to become a useful tool for budding entrepreneurs and small business owners looking for a headache-free way to build a web presence.

Today, WordPress has evolved into something much bigger — a flexible, multipurpose tool that provides simple solutions to the complex requirements of enterprises both small and large.

With all that said, do you know who uses WordPress? The answer might surprise you!

Harvard University, Mercedes-Benz, Sony Music, Walt Disney, and many more Fortune 500 companies have websites powered by WordPress. You’ve heard of those organizations, right? Here’s another one: The official White House website runs on our favorite CMS, WordPress! It doesn’t get much bigger than that!

Here’s a quick insight into what you can expect from WordPress:

  • Easy administration

  • Access to lots of plugins and add-ons

  • SEO-friendliness

  • Flexibility

  • Ease-of-use

  • Security

  • Community

  • Reliability

  • Scalability

 So now what do you think of WordPress?

>>> Related Reading: WordPress vs. its competitors: 7 key differences and advantages

In Summary:

WordPress isn’t the only CMS in the world, but it’s hard to argue with the fact that it’s the ideal choice for most people looking to build their online presence with a company website, a personal website or blog, or an e-commerce store. It’s user-friendly, it allows for extensive customization, and with the variety of plugins and themes available, the possibilities are nearly endless.

To have a truly successful WordPress website, you have to keep up with maintenance, upgrades, updates, and general TLC to make sure the site is in tip-top shape for your audience. That’s where we come in! At MyUnlimitedWP, we’ll take care of all the complicated tech stuff for you — we’ll even fix problems you didn’t know you had! Explore the rest of our website to get the full scoop on how we can help you bring your website and your business to new heights!

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