Business Vision

Making It Happen: How to Execute Your Business Vision

Overview: For a business owner, dreaming up your vision and writing a vision statement is only the beginning. The real work happens when you proceed to execute your vision! But how do you do that? Read on for some tips!

Last week on this blog, we talked about the importance of having a vision for your business, and how useful it can be to articulate your vision in a written vision statement.

So here you are: You’ve decided what you want your company to be in the future, and why your company exists, and you’ve written it all down in a nifty vision statement. Now what?

Now the fun part happens: Turning your vision into a reality!

The Path From Vision to Reality 

For a business owner, growing your business means a lot of different things. It’s obviously very satisfying to watch profits roll in once your business is up and running. But it can be even more exciting when you’re early in the process and you’re watching the business vision that you came up with — from your own head and your own heart — take shape.

Being an entrepreneur is hard work, but it all feels worth it when you turn your vision translates into a successful enterprise. Your journey will be full of challenges, and you’ll learn a lot on the way, as you experience both victories and not-so-victorious moments.

For business owners aiming to execute their vision, it’s important to think strategically and to remain flexible as you navigate the long road to achieving your vision. So how do you make it all happen?

Break Down Your Long-Term Vision Into Short-Term Goals 

Have you ever tried to carry a large, heavy box of items from one room to another? It can be exhausting — and if you’re trying to do it alone, it might even be impossible!

But if you open the box and start taking the items out of it individually or in small groups, you’ll find it much easier to get the job done in small steps. Achieving your business vision is a similar process!

First, make sure your written vision statement is clear to the most important person: yourself! Does it allow for easy interpretation regarding your business goals, values, and long-term objectives? Remember, in addition to being inspiring, a vision statement should be concise and clear.

Before you can take steps to execute your vision, you have to make sure that what you’re trying to achieve is manageable. If your vision includes “Being one of the biggest shoe retailers in the USA, with the best customer service,” you’re not going to make that happen overnight. Start by focusing on a short-term goal that you can use to reach your long-term vision.

For example, maybe your short-term goal for becoming a major shoe retailer is to start by offering five different types of shoes. And your short-term goal toward having the best customer service could be to score 7/10 or higher on customer satisfaction surveys. Once you’ve achieved these goals, you can move on to loftier ambitions contained within your vision.

>> Related Reading: How to Break Down Goals Into Steps

Ask for Help 

In our blog post about crafting your vision statement, we recommended seeking advice from a mentor or an experienced person in your industry. That recommendation extends to this phase of nurturing your business as well.

After all, who better to give you some pointers on how to execute your vision than someone who has already been in the same position, having a vision and making it a reality? Other business owners can advise you on how to find an audience, how quickly to grow your business, and answer any questions you have about realizing your vision.

Then, once you’ve used that advice to bring your business to the next level, you can repay that karma by becoming a mentor yourself! Just think: Today you’re a student, but tomorrow you’ll be teaching new business owners how to realize their own visions.

Plans, Policies, and Procedures

The perfect companion to your vision statement is a business plan. As a written document, your business plan will probably be more detailed than your vision statement, and it should include market research, financial projections, marketing strategies, and operational plans. This plan will keep you on the right track when it comes to making important decisions.

>> Related Reading: How to Write a Business Plan

To ensure long-term success, you’ll also want to outline your company’s policies and procedures in writing. What’s the process for performing a site inspection or booking an appointment? How do you proceed in the event that a customer is unhappy with the work you’ve done?

Writing down these answers in an official document will guide the way and help you maintain consistency as you follow your vision and your company grows. Provide these documents to all new partners and employees to ensure that everyone is on the same page — literally as well as figuratively!

Let Your Team in on Your Vision

And speaking of partners and employees, remember that people are the backbone of any business. A vision is even better when it’s shared, so assembling a team that is committed, skilled, and aligned with your vision is crucial.

Encourage a culture of open communication so employees feel free to speak up if they have ideas for ways you can achieve your vision, and foster a collaborative environment to keep your team motivated towards common goals. Also, keep your team up to date if your vision shifts or you adjust your vision statement.

>> Related Reading: 10 Reasons Why Collaboration Is Important in the Workplace

Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate 

Continuing on that theme of collaboration: Nobody is good at everything! When you’re working to achieve your vision for your business, you may stumble into some problems that are not your area of expertise.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! You can delegate tasks to employees who excel in those areas, or request advice from one of those aforementioned mentors who has more experience with the issues you’re dealing with.

And just to put it out there: If you’ve discovered that website technical maintenance is not in your wheelhouse, we at MyUnlimitedWP would be happy to help you out. Website support IS our wheelhouse, and our subscription plans mean you’ll have peace of mind all the time so you can focus on your vision instead of focusing on solving website problems all alone.

Check in With Yourself Regularly  

The business world is ever-evolving, especially in today’s fast-paced digital environment. As you continue on your business journey, take a moment occasionally to check in with yourself.

Take a look at how things are going, and ask yourself: Is the reality of my business aligned with my vision? If not, why not, and how can I get things back to being more compatible with my vision? Also, if there have been unexpected developments in my industry or my target audience, is it time to revisit and revise my vision statement?

Flexibility and resilience are vital for “sticking with it” in the business world. By staying adaptable, you can modify your vision statement slightly without compromising your own values.

In Conclusion 

Executing a vision is a multifaceted journey involving planning, creating short-term goals, learning, collaboration, and adaptability. By clarifying your vision, assembling the right team, and keeping an open mind, you can build the resilient and successful business of your vision.

If you have any questions about any of this, or if you’d like some assistance with your website so you can focus on bringing your vision to life, please feel free to contact us today. We’d love to hear from you!

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