create a WordPress website

How to Create a WordPress Website

7 steps to starting your website or WordPress blog!

    1. Picking a domain name
    2. Create and gather all of your written and image content
    3. Choose a reputable website hosting service
    4. Installing WordPress
    5. Login and general settings
    6. Selecting a theme
    7. Creating Pages
You’ve created a new product, mastered a niche service, or had an extraordinary epiphany, and you’d like to share it with the world. This is the opportunity a WordPress site or blog can provide– a voice and a platform on which to share your ideas. No need to keep your amazingness hidden away. Make it available for all to enjoy! But, be sure that your online presence does your service, product, or writing justice. And doing so takes a bit of WordPress know-how.
If you’re a do-it-yourself kind of person, this article will review the several aspects involved in getting started with a new website. And if you’re more of a hire-a-professional sort of person, we’re here for you too. We at MyUnlimitedWP are available for all of your WordPress change and update concerns as you build your business and nurture its online presence!

7 steps to starting your website or WordPress blog!

You may be standing before a daunting project – one that is a bit foreign and littered with too many options. And you’re taking this all on while creating, managing, and growing your business. That’s why we’ve broken things down into comprehensive segments. So let’s get started with the first step.
Picking your WordPress website domain name

#1. Picking a domain name

We recommend using GoDaddy for this foundational step. With this tool, you can create a name for your site that is based on where you are, what you’re doing, and how you’re doing it. From there, you can search your desired domain name to check its availability.

1. With each search, you’ll notice an array of domain suffixes (.com, .net, .org, etc.). And though their differences may appear minor, be sure that you obtain a domain name ending in .com. While Google will rate your .com and .net just the same, user perception will not. It is a common belief that .com sites have more authority– as if they had first dibs on an idea. Though there was a time in which we thought vanity suffixes were going to take over, and in some niche spaces, they have, it is wise to stick with .com

2. Prioritize using your business’s name for your domain. If your company’s title contains a buzz word or two that can briefly explain what you do, we recommend just using that! For example, the business name “Creative 7 Designs” suggests that its services include design work. And so, this title can serve as a clear and easy-to-find domain name. Simple enough, huh? We’ll even suggest not using words besides those of your business name so as not to confuse visitor’s Google searches.

3. Avoid stop words. While there is no list of clear-cut, forbidden words, stop words, like “the,” should be left out of your domain name. Stop words are typically the most common words in a language and are programmed to be avoided by search engines like Google. So, if your domain starts with “the,” your chances of being found in a visitor’s search are compromised.

4. Keep it short, sweet, and spellable. You want your domain name to be memorable and easily recognized, so keep a careful eye on its word count. And if your business name is on the long side, consider trimming it down for the domain. Finally, choose words that are easy to spell because let’s face it; either spell-check or third grade failed us miserably, and spelling is not everyone’s forte. Refrain from any words like ‘tsunami,’ ‘onomatomania,’ or ‘acquiesce,’ and you’ll be in the clear.

content for your WordPress website

#2. Create and gather all of your written and image content

Things are starting to take shape. You have what merely started as an idea that then grew into a promising business, and now, you have an easy-to-spell domain name! Pretty cool! But before you invite visitors to your brand new website, there is a bit more creating left to do. That’s because websites and blogs are full of written and image content– that which is purposed to attract visitors and invite them to engage. And you’ll want to get this created, in full, before you begin website construction. This is because your content will serve as a road map to your site. It will dictate its flow and structure and should always come first in the building process. So, before you even touch WordPress, get to writing, snapping photos, and making eye-catching designs. And if this doesn’t sound quite like your thing, hire a professional for expertly crafted content.
best WordPress website hosting companies

#3. Choose a reputable website hosting service

Not all website hosts are created equal. It used to be, back in the stone age of consoles, floppy disks, and dinosaurs, that picking a host was reasonably easy to do. There was not a lot of concern for site speed and other performance measures. But now, your site’s speed and other elements like its level of security is critical to its success. So today, do not pick just any host. It is imperative that you choose the right host. We at MyUnlimitedWP offer an individually dedicated hosting website solution wherein every website has its own dedicated server. This will guarantee optimized website speed and a seamless solution to your hosting needs. However, if you decide to take the DIY route, we can also recommend a few good solutions.

Website hosting services we like: Inmotion, Bluehost WordPress Hosting, WPengine, and Siteground. Each of these is an excellent website hosting services. However, none of these will provide your fastest solution as they do not act as a dedicated server. Rather, you’ll more likely share an optimized hosting environment. This is a low-cost option that will work relatively well, making it a great place to start.

how to install wordpress

#4. Installing WordPress

This may sound like the ultimate challenge, full of complexities and technical language. Yet, in most cases, this is an automatic function and feature. And if you talk with your website host, they can usually even do this for you. However, if you’d rather refrain from this push-of-a-button kind of solution, and go for the DIY route, follow these simple steps.

Step 1 – If you haven’t done so already, download and unzip your WordPress package.

Step 2 – Make a WordPress database on your web server. You’ll also want to make a MySQL or MariaDB as an all-access user. This person will have complete authority to make modifications.
Step 3 – Upload your WordPress files and place them in the correct location on your web server.
Step 4 – Access your URL and run the WordPress installation script. This URL should be in the same location where you uploaded the WordPress files.
How to log into WordPress website

#5. Login and general settings

Once your WordPress website is installed, you’ll set up your username and password and log into your new site. From here, we recommend assessing the general settings of the website, found on the left-hand menu bar. Review each section to ensure that your information is correct. Check articles and note any details that need updates. Be sure that everything regarding your general settings is correct and good to go before you get too far in your web building process. And, if you are unsure if these are in check, do not hesitate to consult a professional.
Find WordPress website themes

#6. Selecting a WordPress theme

Once you have finalized your general settings, you have the option to choose a WordPress theme . Typically, you can opt for the default theme that comes with WordPress. And generally, we would advise against the use of specialized themes. But if you’d prefer one that is fitting to your niche field, you have several options available. Here are a few tips to consider when selecting a theme:

Step 1 – Choose a theme that is reflective of you and your business. And if it can enhance your personal and professional message in a tasteful, yet creative way, use it! If it does not promote your brand, however, stay away.

Step 2 – Refrain from using themes that have not recently been updated. These will typically break over time if they haven’t received those necessary enhancements or WordPress support. You can check the frequency of updates with WordPress update records.

Step 3 – Select a theme that has been well-tested and tried. It should be one that many people have also used. When it comes to themes, get on the bandwagon.

Creating WordPress website pages

#7. Creating WordPress website pages

Your site’s pages will compose its structure. And so knowing the outline and flow of these is an essential step before adding in your prepared content. To make pages, go into the backend of your website, to the pages tab, and add a new page. Upon completing your page structure and menu, you can begin to input the wonderful text and image content you made earlier. You can use the internal WordPress builder called Gutenberg or one of the other great page builders such as Elementor, Visual Composer, Divi, and Oxygen.

A good idea, revolutionary product, or helpful service is only as successful as its number of beneficiaries. So make sure that people are aware of and have access to all that you offer! And we at MyUnlimitedWP are firm believers that a WordPress site or blog is the best means of doing so. So, to all you DIYers, we wish you the best in your website building endeavors! And if you decide to throw in the towel on any number of WordPress updates or changes, we are here for you. We are experts in all things WordPress and love helping businesses and people like you cultivate a successful online presence.

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